Monday, September 27, 2021

Boost Immunity and Health

During the past 18 months, I have felt no fear -- NO FEAR -- about any particular virus. Why? Because for almost three decades, I have been learning about and been trained in holistic medicine, understanding that the terrain of our body-mind-soul is more important than the so-called 'attacking germs' that are simply part of our world since time immemorial, changing as we do. 

I realize that many people choose to participate in the conventional medical system and I support their right to choose to do so. But the current propaganda pushing, even at times forcing, people to comply with a particular world view is wrong and short-sighted. Why should healthy people or those with alternative practices be forced to take injections or pharmaceuticals they don't need -- that have not been proven to help anyone else -- and that are potentially harmful to their wellness?

With this in mind, here is the approach (beyond eating fresh and/or organic foods predominantly rather than processed foods; getting exercise, fresh air, sunshine; using energy-enhancing modalities that are free such as QiGong, Yoga, meditation; no smoking; no drugs; minimal alcohol intake) I have personally undertaken to boost immunity and health in myself and my family (what you need for your unique constitution will vary as holistic medicine views each person individually):

  • BioSuperfood -- This is a whole-food algae blend created from extensive research that supports cellular nutrition throughout our body by feeding nutrients to our hypothalamus (the genius within our endocrine system et al). You can learn more at:  I take this whole-food 'supplement' rather than isolated vitamins and minerals. Here is a good article on the nutrient density of this algae-blend Earth's Most Efficient Food.
  • Homeopathy -- These remedies are made from the entire plant or mineral and provide holistic, vibrational support to our systems on multiple levels. Specifically, a simply prophylactic is at the first sign of illness, Bryonia plus Aconite are splendid. A blog post that may help you navigate this concept and remedies is: Josette Calabrese's Ferocious Flu Fears
  • Cell Salts -- These remedies are made from 12 primary minerals we all have in our bodies that assist the body in re-balancing these vital substances and they are quite easy to learn to differentiate, which is why they are often used as an entry into learning Homeopathy. A simple reference for cell salts as to flu prevention (BioPlasma - the combination of all 12) or specific symptoms: For Colds and Flu.
  • Flower Essences -- These amazing essences were my first love and introduction to holistic, vibrational, whole-plant/mineral healing sources. They help our psyche on an exquisitely subtle level and this, in turn, helps our body. In this specific situation, there are many options because there are a lot of different essence lines but my own personal preference right now to begin with if you have no experience in selecting your own essences is Boost from the Australian Bush Flower Essence line 

As always, feel free to post a question in the comment section if you would like more guidance. The above are just a quick reference to a variety of options to encourage you to explore what might help you boost your immunity and grow your own health from a holistic perspective. While I encourage people to learn on their own about all these modalities -- and more! -- I have to admit that there is no comparison to receiving actual training in a modality, whether a short course, certification, and/or degree because training involves depth that is hard to acquire on one's own. Self-teaching is awesome, don't get me wrong, but usually training pushes us harder to go deeper -- at least it did for me.

If I were to become ill then I would use the above as well, but in a different way, more intensive if you will, and based upon specific symptoms. If needed dependent upon symptoms, there are also other mostly-natural protocols to be used as adjunct measures. There are many options available to us -- preventative as well as therapeutic -- that have no side effects. Only as a last resort would I go to conventional medicine (just as I did when I had a broken arm -- and I'm very grateful for the surgical repair work of conventional medicine, which is where that industry excels).

David Crow, an expert in the Ayurvedic and Chinese medical systems, speaks in a recent video to our willful ignorance about true wellness when he says: “There is a saying in Traditional Chinese Medicine that the man who waits until he is sick to think about his health is like the man who waits until his house is on fire to dig a well.”

As soon as we were aware of an illness that seemed to be spreading quickly -- for most of us it became apparent in February or March 2020 -- the first thing I did was pull out my books on 'germs' and epidemics and physiology to refresh my memory. David Quammen's books are particularly helpful to the layperson in understanding bacterial and viral infections historically. I also began turning to the holistic and integrative health professionals (many of them doctors) I've appreciated in the past, for their insights on what was currently happening: David Crow, Kim Elia (repeated updates via video meetings), Andre Seine, Josette Calabrese (weekly videos), Zach Bush (appeared on many podcasts and later produced web videos re health and immunity), Christiane Northrup, Andrew Kaufman, Judy Mikovits, Sherri Tenpenny. In addition, many people took up the task of producing video series to inform the public including: Del Bigtree at The Highwire and Pam Popper, an so many more! There has been a wealth of holistic information made available to all of us beyond the propaganda of MSM (main stream media). And throughout this entire time, the brilliant Dr. John Ioannidis as been updating us with the IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) that remains at a LOW 0.3% across all populations. 

Indeed, to view the IFR from the opposite count, the following survival rates have remained relatively steady throughout the entire world situation:

Age - Infection Survival Rate

 0-19     99.9973%

20-29     99.986%

30-39     99.969%

40-49     99.918%

50-59     99.73%

60-69     99.41%

70+        97.6% (non-institutionalized)

The primary reason for deaths as we age is a less robust immune system plus most of those who died were obese, had multiple co-morbidities and/or were on multiple pharmaceuticals. Most of those who died at less than 70 years old also fell into the above categories, especially that of being obese. Also, most of these people were refused therapeutics that might have saved their lives if given at the first indication of illness.

 The entire approach to this event has been extremely flawed according to everything we know about viruses and epidemics/pandemics and how we used to and ought to handle them.

I extend my deepest sympathies to all people everywhere who have been adversely affected by the past year and half, however that may appear in your life. May we all live in peace with one another and our Mother Earth.


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