Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Broken Bones & Natural Support

Everyone will tell you that broken bones hurt. Unfortunately, I can now confirm that personally.

In September 2016, I fell and broke both my left arm and leg. The leg did not require surgery, but the arm did, as I had a complete fracture of both the ulna and radius near the wrist. As you can see from the photo, which was taken about 10 days after my surgery, fixing my arm was in itself traumatic to the tissue (plate, screws, and pins were required) as are most surgeries.

The reason for this post is to share some of my experience in using natural remedies during the healing process. I chose not to use the prescribed pharmaceuticals for pain (which were opioid derivatives, as are most strong pain-killers), and stuck instead with homeopathic remedies, flower essences, cell salts, and therapeutic herbs.

I won't go into all the details of my own case, but hopefully give you an idea of the beneficial power that can be found in natural remedies -- which don't have side effects or addictive properties, and which are low-cost. In addition, while some homeopathic remedies can be considered generic for acute trauma, once we are past that initial trauma and looking at on-going care, what I need and what someone else might need can be, and often are, different. In fact, full recovery from these kinds of injuries can generally run anywhere from 6-12 months, and an individual's needs will change as their body heals.

First, one of the best books to have in your house as a resource is Homeopathy for Musculoskeletal Healing by Asa Hershoff, N.D., D.C. (available on Whether you are a lay person or someone who has studied homeopathy through a school, this is a fantastic resource, and has an excellent, easy-to-understand section on trauma. Since I had a hard time using my laptop during the first few weeks of my accident, I had hubby pull out this book the day after I had been to the ER (which was a week before my surgery).

And one of the trauma remedies to always have available is Arnica montana in 30c potency to prevent shock and relieve pain. If you are curious about homeopathy in situations of fracture, take a look at David Little's page HERE. You will see an entire list of potential remedies -- you don't just take all of them, but rather discern which one (or two) are most appropriate to what you are experiencing at the time. I know it can seem confusing at first, but continued study and use of homeopathy eventually clarifies the subject so that you feel confident in choosing which remedy.

For flower essences, in trauma, my go-to is always Emergency Essence by Australian Bush Flower Essences. I took drops of this essence as often as needed, until I was able to create a blend more specific to my particular trauma. Another option that many people are more familiar with is Bach's Rescue Remedy that can be obtained in most health food stores. I personally prefer Emergency Essence, but each of us will respond differently and you can find the one eventually that works best for you.

Now we come to the Cell Salts. These little tablets are the bridge between vibrational remedies and micro-nutrients. I highly recommend them! For on-going recovery from fractures, they are invaluable. From Calc-phos to Ferr-phos, from Calf-fluor to Silica, their support speeds our healing on a cellular level.

Last, but not at all least, there are many herbs that can be used to support one's health. Because I come to herbs through studying Ayurveda, the ancient medical system of India, those are the ones I know best. The herb I used most consistently through recovery from my trauma was Turmeric because of its anti-inflammatory properties. The way I was taught to take it therapeutically was: one teaspoon of turmeric, plus a pinch of black pepper, then stir in enough raw honey to make a paste -- and just eat it. Simple as that.

I hope this information has been of help to you and, as always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


I am not a licensed medical professional.

The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used to diagnose, prescribe for, treat, prevent or cure any physical or mental disease. It is not intended as a substitute for care by your doctor or veterinarian; it is not intended to replace or override the advice of your doctor or veterinarian.

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