Thursday, July 25, 2024

New to Homeopathy?

 Because I no longer offer consultations myself, I suggest that you check out "Homeopathy Works" with Joette. Full disclosure, I've never taken any of her classes but I have watched quite a few of her videos over the years and read some of her articles; and, while she and I may differ a bit in our overall approach to a healthy lifestyle, her Homeopathic foundations seem sound. 

If you are at all anxious or concerned or simply want to be prepared for whatever health 'warnings' or hype comes down from the powers-that-be in the medical industrial complex, check out this video: Health Warnings and Fears.

Easiest remedies to get? Straight from This is the brand you see most often carried in health food stores, markets, and even some pharmacies.

That said, as always, start slow, educate yourself, feel into your own intuition, and begin or step-up your healing journey with courage and confidence. Blessings!